Command line

Execution of a problem can be done in two ways :

icare projectdirectory.gid

       where projectdirectory.gid is the path (full or relative) to the directory saved by the user interface. It ends with a .gid extension, but this is not required. It is possible to rename the directory, but the user interface will be unable to reread the project ;

       and where icare is the exe located in the ICARE.gid/bin directory (should be in the PATH environment variable after a proper installation).

At the beginning of an execution, 2 files must be present in the directory : the geometry (maillage.msh) and the electromagnetic data (data.txt). All the other files are ICARE results or GiD files. If you don't use the user interface, you can remove them all.

Linux users may also use the command line to launch the parallelized version of Icare.

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